Can anyone help me please. I have read an article that says you can fit a supercharger from a mini cooper S onto my engine without adding any more mods or having an engine remap is this true? Has anyone done this mod?
You might run into problems with air flow sensing. E36's run a MAF so they are seeing air flow but not the boost the SC is pushing.
Where is said article? If they have done it they would be the best ones to listen to.
My only concerns are that the ECU is pretty good at looking after itself but isn't set up to deal with boost. You should still be able to run boost but it'd need to be lower otherwise you won't be squirting enough fuel to make up for the extra oxygen. No mods at all? At minimum you need to modify intake charge pipes to get air to and from the SC...and it'd also need to be bolted on to the engine somewhere. I'd call those mods?
BMW also run high compression which doesn't go well with forced induction but the ECU should retard itself if it detects knocking.