1995 325is Black on Black manual coupe with 180k. Listed on craigslist for 1,500 and I show up and ask the guy what he wants for it he said 1k! Not bad for a 1995 car.
The good: Motor seems to run solid, drove well, everything seems to work, almost 0 rust!
The bad: Sat for 4 months, Passenger side back window is gone (fell out), was low on oil, coolant, and windshield fluid lol. NEEDS struts BAD! Looked like a trampoline bouncing up and down going down the road got them on order already doing the Bilistein. Power steering looks like mud, Needs a air filter, probably needs plugs and a oil change, interior is not bad no radio, and all clips are broken on the door, whole car is dirty!
Other than that its great. Just need some TLC and I think about 1k in parts should be mint!