I've got a 99 328i Convertible that I purchased a few weeks back. After getting the toolkit totally correct, I'm now working on the spare tire well. The only 3 things that were in mine were the tire, a curved lug remover, and the jack. I've also heard that a wheel chock/wedge or two and possibly a hazard triangle is also suppposed to fit in there somehow. Does anyone have info/photos/pics on how everything is supposed to be properly configured in the trunk (i.e. is there a proper place for the jack, the lug remover and everything to be mounted so that it wont rattle, etc.?)? Thanks for any photos and/or help that anyone can give! Thanks, ctoddkc
I can only know about where those things are in the coupé, hopefully it's similar on the convertible.
I have never seen a wheel chock. One hazard triangle, clips/slides into black plastic holder on the top right side of the trunk. Jack goes next to the spare wheel under the floor, there's a black plastic pin it sits on and then leans forward and clips in. Lug remover slots into the cover for the battery. The e30 had a wheel chock, I don't believe the e36 does.
If this sounds like it might be similar to your 'vert I can grab some pictures for you.