Hello everyone, can anybodt help me, i have a e38 318ise, R reg, my starter motor operates fine when cold, but when the engine is hot, it spins when you turn the key and wont turn the engine over, it does it sevral times, then as you stop the start position you then can here it engage, try it again, sometimes it will turn the engine over and it will start, and sometimes it will try to start then spin again, it always does start eventually, is it just worn, or is there a quick fix, also ive been told its a pain in the bum to get to , so can any one shed any light on this for me, i have only had my car a few months, and its driving me mad, when you go for petrol thats a pain, when people are waiting to use the pumps, im sure you get the picture, its my third e36 and i love it, i cant afford to take it to a garage, there to expensive, even for them to have a look at it, anyway ive rattled on enough, please can anyone help, kind regards Jane........