BMW E36 Blog

Miss January 2009 . . . Great!

14th January 2009

Miss January 2009 . . . Great!

posted in E36 M3, Exterior, Models, Photos, Uncategorized |

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Hello guys,

Jeremiah was very kind to send me some pictures of his 1999 BMW E36 M3 with its hardtop on. Honestly, this is a very nice car indeed and as he said in his own words about the hardtop:

I think it makes the car look really low and aggressive and I love how much it improves the overall handling / stiffness of the drive.

With that being said, I decided to feature it as Miss January 2009 as it’s a very good example of how a well-maintained BMW E36 (M3) should look like. I hope you like it:

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There are currently 7 responses to “Miss January 2009 . . . Great!”

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  1. 1 On January 14th, 2009, tiny316i said:

    Soooo sexy. Hard top FTW! Thanks for all the monthly misses posts. I soo dig white cabrios.

  2. 2 On January 14th, 2009, Seno said:


  3. 3 On January 15th, 2009, T said:

    Wow tha’s sexy! Didn’t know they made e36 in hard top….After seeing that, it makes me hate my 99 318is….Did they make the rear ‘pop out’ windows electric?
    Such a beautiful car!

  4. 4 On January 15th, 2009, pMulc07 said:

    I’m usually partial to coupes, but I could definitely live with a hard top like that!

    I’m also diggin’ the white, but why no pics with the top off?

  5. 5 On January 15th, 2009, J said:

    hey thanks –
    the windows are electric and go down automatically when putting the top down. and I didn’t think to take photos with the top off since that’s pretty much how I’d had it for the last few weeks (living in the desert- don’t worry about rain, just dust)so I was more stoked to photograph it when I added the top. I probably should have done a before and tho…

  6. 6 On February 6th, 2009, Marius said:

    It is absolutely superb…I have an e36 coupe and untill now I didn’t liked cabrios so much but this car is very nice. Take care of it untill it will be a classic. 😉

  7. 7 On April 11th, 2009, MParallel said:

    No interior shots besides the one of the center console?