BMW E36 Blog

A Black Knight From Liverpool (BMW E36)

19th May 2008

A Black Knight From Liverpool (BMW E36)

posted in Exterior, Photos, Uncategorized |

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Matt has sent me these photos for his black BMW E36 or the "black knight" as he likes to call it 😀 . The photo shoot was taken in Frodsham and Cheshire. The photos are really nice and include some sight seeing as well. So enjoy them, I hope you like the car and the photos as much as I do.

UPDATE: I added the Liverpool night time photos to the collection

Take a look:




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There are currently 4 responses to “A Black Knight From Liverpool (BMW E36)”

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  1. 1 On May 19th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    hey, nice one dudes. she looks damned good there!!! any chance of publishing the ‘night time’ photos in Liverpool i sent a few weeks ago? just one or two though?
    keep up the good work guys,cheers

  2. 2 On May 19th, 2008, rocket ronnie said:


  3. 3 On May 20th, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    @mgr 328i csport: I will add couple photos Matt. No problem 🙂

  4. 4 On May 20th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    great stuff Tony, cheers dude!