BMW E36 Blog

BMW E36 With Black & Gray Interior

14th April 2008

BMW E36 With Black & Gray Interior

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I’ve found these photos for a modified interior of a BMW E36 318is. I’m not happy at all with the car’s interior.
It’s in a horrible condition as you can see, but I’m posting this just to know what do you guys think of the mix between black & light gray inside E36’s. Personally I prefer light colors inside the car more than dark colors. What about you?

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There are currently 11 responses to “BMW E36 With Black & Gray Interior”

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  1. 1 On April 14th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    ye gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how many more pictures of shite e36 s do you have, they seem to get worse every day!!!!!!!!! that interior is dire, i wonder where he bought the blackboard paint for his door cards!!!!!!! SHITE hahahahahahahahahahaaaa

  2. 2 On April 14th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    ps……….. i prefer non-contrasting colours but overall black is the best for me

  3. 3 On April 14th, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    Hi Mgr,

    This week is going to be a nightmare for me I’m afraid. I hope I won’t see more of this stuff in the future. LOL!

    About the colors, are you saying you like a full-black car interior?

  4. 4 On April 15th, 2008, Ashman said:

    Tony dont send rubbish! The previous 318ti with the blue things was sooooooooooooo 5#17. LOL I could not stop laughing when i saw it. This looks like the guy took a high gloss aerosol spray paint and sprayed the panels in that hideous black. I suggest you make a galery of these car pics and whenever we need a laugh we can go and look at them.

  5. 5 On April 15th, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    Hey Ashman,

    The problem is that these cars don’t make me laugh. They make me feel sad instead for such a waste.

    I always loved to modify my cars, but when it comes to the colors in the interior, chrome and other similar changes, I always pay special attention to not make the car look ridiculous.

    This seems to be a bad E36 week as I see such cars everywhere I go. I hope this ends (right now 😉 )

  6. 6 On April 15th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    hey tony, yep, black interior but with subtle carbon fibre trimmings…….. me like

  7. 7 On April 15th, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    How about some photos? 😉

  8. 8 On April 15th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    hi tony, im not exactly a whizz with computers ,but i’d love to show you all my whip!!!!!!how can i upload them dude?

  9. 9 On April 15th, 2008, Tony Sticks said:


    Just send them to me. I will upload them here.

  10. 10 On April 16th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    great, they are on the way, i’ll get some proper ones nxt few days!!!!!!!!!! cheers

  11. 11 On April 16th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    ps….. please only publish the pics of the e36 cheers