BMW E36 Blog

BMW M3 2008 is humiliated! That’s really sad

21st December 2007

BMW M3 2008 is humiliated! That’s really sad

posted in Super Cars |

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Hello, I’ve been away for a while and that’s why I couldn’t post as normal. I had to do something with one of my relatives and I simply couldn’t escape that. I just hope that you’re missing my posts. Are you? Anyway, I hope that I will be able to get back to normal posting rate in the next couple days just after I get rid of him LOOL 😆 just kidding.

About today’s post, it’s a BMW M3 car vs …? I’m sure that many of you are anxious to know what is the beast who kicked the BMW M3 2008’s in the butt. You may not be expecting this but it’s the Bugatti Veyron and it really makes sense because the BMW M3 is a fabulous car and beating it would not be something that you call it "easy". What is making me feel sad about this video is that the BMW didn’t even have a chance. Not at all, so here you go.

Check it out!


I hope you liked the video . . . if not, come on let’s see your videos 😉

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There are currently 2 responses to “BMW M3 2008 is humiliated! That’s really sad”

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  1. 1 On December 21st, 2007, mark harris said:

    what can you say…..yep

  2. 2 On December 22nd, 2007, Jim K said:

    Why did they even bother? Seriously, why waste the bits to make that video? Don’t get me wrong, I like seeing the new M3 in action, and the Veyron is always impressive…but head to head? 420 hp vs 1000 hp? Umm…ya don’t need to run that race to see who wins. Let’s toss 4 people at the starting line for both cars and make the requirement to deliver all 4 to the other end of the 1/4 mile and see who wins…