BMW E36 Blog

EBay Illuminated Shift Knob … Very nice

25th November 2008

EBay Illuminated Shift Knob … Very nice

posted in Electrical, Interior, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized |

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I’ve found some pictures of an illuminated BMW E36 M3 shift knob. The shift knob is a little bit different from the OEM style, but it looks very decent and it’s very cheap. Costs just $30 (without shipping) which is a killer price when compared to the OEM one. You can find it on ebay here.  I just want you to notice how fabulous it looks with a short shift kit (well, it looks like one). By the way, I’m not a fan of the yellowish illumination color. It would be better if it was amber. Anyway, take a look, I think even with this flaw, it still looks good. Besides, I think you may be able to open it and somehow get it to illuminate amber instead. I know, I tried this with the OEM one and it worked like charm.

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  1. 1 On December 14th, 2010, McJet said:

    That is freakin awesome! It just so happens I need a new shift knob for my ’95 M3… (Just got this car w/ 51k original mi., The leather is PERFECT, and I paid $4000. Seriously, it’s beautiful, that’s a steal for it) The only thing that sucks is the shift knob leather has come un-stitched a tad.

    I found this post looking for an E36 lighting wiring diagram, my DEPO headlights w/ Angel Eyes are going in, and I want to make sure which is the parking/city/daytime lights wire to connect the one for the Angel Eyes.

    Thanks for posting this, now I’m gonna buy that shit.